Unlocking the potential of frontier technologies, UNICEF Venture Funding for Frontier Technologies offers early-stage funding of $100,000 to startups developing innovative solutions for children and society.

Pioneering a New Frontier for the Welfare of Children and Society
At the heart of UNICEF’s mission is a relentless drive to improve the lives of children and their communities worldwide.
With the UNICEF Venture Fund, this mission takes a unique turn as the organization offers a $100,000 equity-free grant to startups that develop innovative solutions with substantial potential to revolutionize child welfare and societal progress.
UNICEF’s Venture Funding program aims to foster early-stage ventures that conceive pioneering technological solutions designed to benefit children and society at large.
The fund is geared towards promoting open-source solutions that can be effectively scaled and adapted to fit diverse contexts and needs.
Using AI as a Game-Changer
The UNICEF Venture Fund is strategically investing in emerging technologies, leveraging the transformative power of Artificial Intelligence (AI), among others.
This move aims to revolutionize the learning experiences for children, provide crucial mental health support, and guide informed career decisions through data science.
The fund’s focus encompasses advanced technologies like blockchain, drones, AI, machine learning, data science, and extended reality, understanding that these innovations carry the potential to address the complex challenges faced by children and youth, especially those who are vulnerable or marginalized.
The Perks of the Fund
UNICEF’s Venture Fund aims to empower children and youths by investing in frontier technological solutions.
This move is designed to provide customized access to essential resources such as information, education, health services, protection, and much more.
In a document that Nairametrics got a hold of, it was stated that the UNICEF Venture Fund would invest up to $100K in seed-stage startups developing technology solutions that positivelyEmpower vulnerable children and youth.
Moreover, the fund will assist with product development and technology, provide access to a network of experts and partners, and offer opportunities to shape markets and influence policies.
Who is Eligible?
Eligibility for the UNICEF Venture Fund extends to startups that meet the following criteria:
- Must be registered in one of UNICEF’s program countries.
- Must have a functional prototype with demonstrated results.
- Must possess or be capable of obtaining an open-source license.
- Submitting an Expression of Interest
- Projects are evaluated by the UNICEF Innovation Fund team and recommended for funding to the internal board.
- Companies wishing to apply must fulfill the following mandatory requirements:
- Registered as a private company.
- Registered in a UNICEF program country.
- Working on open-source technology solutions under the following licenses or their equivalent:
- For software, a BSD license.
- For hardware, a CERN license.
- For design or content, a CC-BY license.
- Promising open-source prototype.
- Solution has the potential to positively impact vulnerable children.
- Generating publicly exposed real-time data.
- The UNICEF Innovation Fund Project Categories:
- Projects developing new technology.
- Projects expanding or improving existing technology.
- Innovative tech projects exploring new applications.
The Application Process
The process to apply for the UNICEF Innovation Fund involves a series of steps that begin with checking eligibility, submitting an application, and going through a careful review.
If shortlisted, applicants are invited for a demo interview.
Based on a comprehensive assessment, the Innovation Fund makes the final investment decision.
Detailed information about the UNICEF innovation fund is available on their official website.Deadline: July 28, 2023.
UNICEF’s Venture Fund is a ground-breaking initiative that combines technology and philanthropy, fostering a better world for children.
By offering a $100,000 equity-free grant for startups, it amplifies the voice of innovation and pioneers new frontiers in the technological solutions dedicated to the welfare of children and society at large.
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What is the focus of the UNICEF Venture Fund?
The Fund focuses on promoting open-source solutions that positively impact the lives of vulnerable children and society using emerging technologies.
Who can apply for the UNICEF Venture Fund?
Eligible startups in UNICEF program countries with functional prototypes and open-source license can apply.
How much funding does the UNICEF Venture Fund provide?
The Fund provides up to $100,000 in equity-free investments to seed-stage startups.
What are the project categories supported by the UNICEF Innovation Fund?
The Fund supports projects developing new technology, expanding or improving existing technology, and introducing new applications or piloting new use cases for existing technology.
When is the deadline for applications to the UNICEF Venture Fund?
The application deadline is July 28, 2023.