The Vibrant Symphony of OneBeat: Musical Training for Ghana, Nigeria, and United States 2023

Discover OneBeat Training 2023: Unleashing Musical Leaders from Ghana, Nigeria & the United States | Join a transformative experience of collaborative music creation, cultural diplomacy, and social engagement.

Welcome to the groundbreaking landscape of OneBeat, an initiative that seamlessly harmonizes music with cultural diplomacy.

A phenomenal fusion of the U.S. State Department’s Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs and the cutting-edge New York-based music organization, Bang on a Can’s Found Sound Nation, OneBeat has been orchestrating a global rhythm of unity and creativity since 2012.

A New Era in Music

Imagine a space where emerging musical maestros from various corners of the world unite, sharing and weaving their unique melodies to craft an original symphony.

OneBeat is precisely that magical stage. It’s the melodic heart of the 21st century, beating with the rhythm of collaboration and social engagement.

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OneBeat’s Journey

In its illustrious eighth year, OneBeat continues to beckon musicians aged 19-35 from all over the globe. Each fall, they’re brought together in the U.S. for a month-long artistic exploration.

They collaboratively write, produce, and perform original music and develop strategies to leverage art for social transformation.

An Opening Residency: The Prelude

The program kicks off with an opening residency, a vibrant hub for Fellows to collaboratively brew original material, record innovative musical ideas, and incubate their projects.

It’s the initial step towards a culturally immersive experience, fostering a fusion of diverse sounds and styles.

OneBeat On Tour: The Crescendo

The opening residency eventually transforms into a grand tour.

Here, OneBeat fellows put up spectacular performances for a variety of American audiences, synergizing with local musicians and conducting interactive workshops with young enthusiasts.

Every musician sketches their future plans, leading to projects in their home countries intertwined with a powerful network of music-driven social enterprises.

Decoding OneBeat

More than a platform, OneBeat is a beacon for musical pioneers.

Starting as an annual U.S.-based residency and tour program, it has evolved into a constellation of programs staged worldwide.

Its mission: to enable musicians and artists from incredibly diverse backgrounds to find common ground, unleash new musical blends, stretch the limits of music technology, and involve all members of society in the musical creation process.

OneBeat’s Vision

With Found Sound Nation orchestrating the show, OneBeat yearns to revolutionize how we perceive the blend of music and artistic expression.

It envisions a world where these powerful mediums collectively shape healthier communities, prosperous societies, and a more peaceful globe.

Unwrapping the Benefits of OneBeat Training

The Perks

OneBeat ensures a seamless experience for its Fellows.

From travel and accommodations to a per diem and a modest honorarium, everything is taken care of, allowing artists to focus solely on their musical journey.

Age Criteria and Musical Spectrum

Musicians of all backgrounds, aged 19-35 by the program timeline (November 6-20, 2023), are encouraged to apply.

OneBeat’s canvas celebrates all genres of music: traditional/folk, hip hop, experimental, electronic, jazz, classical, sound design, beat-making, multimedia art, or any fusion of these styles.

Who Should Apply?

In addition to full-time professional musicians, OneBeat invites adventurous music enthusiasts who are also community organizers, instrument builders, writers, videographers, musicologists, educators, storytellers, dancers, shadow-puppeteers, and more.

It’s a call for all who believe in the power of music as a catalyst for social. EXECUTION MAXED OUT at 4096 tokens

The Selection Process

Every year, OneBeat receives applications from thousands of talented musicians worldwide, making the selection process highly competitive.

It involves multiple rounds, where applicants are assessed on their musical excellence, social engagement, and innovative ideas.

The organization values openness to collaboration, a desire to learn about music from other cultures, and a vision for how to connect the program to their community’s efforts.

The Selection Timeline

Applications for the 2023 edition are due by mid-June, and the selection process extends throughout the summer. The selected fellows are announced by early September.

These timelines can vary slightly from year to year, so it’s best to monitor OneBeat’s official communication channels for precise dates.

OneBeat: An Unforgettable Journey

As participants work their way through OneBeat’s vibrant journey, they not only become better musicians but also transform into change-makers.

They weave an intricate network of music-driven social enterprises.

They collaborate with communities to host workshops, performances, and public dialogues.

They discover and amplify new voices, create sustainable musical projects, and reimagine the boundaries of traditional and contemporary music practices.

The Power of OneBeat

The OneBeat program amplifies the potential of individual artists as civic leaders.

This intensive fellowship program challenges its participants to experiment collaboratively, develop creative ways of making and performing music, and to make a difference in their communities using the medium of music.

OneBeat and its Global Impact

Since its inception, OneBeat has grown into a powerful international network of over 200 alumni from 46 countries.

The projects initiated by these alumni continue to influence local and global communities, echoing the resonant notes of unity, collaboration, and social transformation.

OneBeat 2023 is all set to strike a vibrant chord in Ghana, Nigeria, and the United States, elevating the symphony of intercultural dialogue and musical innovation.

Whether you’re an aspiring musician or a passionate music enthusiast, OneBeat is an experience to cherish—a musical voyage where every note matters.


OneBeat is more than a training program; it’s a melting pot of cultural expressions and an amplifier of voices advocating change.

Through its unique model of cultural diplomacy, OneBeat encourages the exchange of ideas and the creation of innovative music, fostering a more understanding and interconnected global society.

It’s the confluence of sounds from different cultures, harmonized into one beautiful symphony that represents our shared human experience.

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