Master the Art of Copywriting with Expert Insights and Strategies

Copywriting is one of the important skills to be able to sell and compete, now everyone can copywriting, you know.

Want to know how?

Come on, see the full review in this article.

What is Copywriting ?

Before getting into how to learn this, you must first know what copywriting is.

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It is a writing technique that aims to invite potential consumers to buy or use the advertised goods or services.

If the copywriting contains an invitation to buy an item, there will usually be an invitation to potential customers to click the “buy” button.

Make no mistake, the use of copywriting has existed since the Babylonian era with the first printing appearing in 1488, you know. At that time, promotions were being made for the sale of prayer books.

Then in the 17th century copywriting began to be found on newspaper pages, until now it has been applied in various marketing media, such as blog articles, text on landing pages, email newsletters, social media uploads, and so on.

Copywriting Basic Structure

Writing copywriting is not easy and should not be careless, you know. For that, to be able to copywriting more you need to know the three basic structures.

The goal is that the writing you write is easily understood by the reader while increasing your chances of achieving the desired goal.

According to Copywriting Expert, Raharja Putra, here are three basic structures you should know.

1. Headlines

In copywriting, headlines hold the utmost significance.


Because the headline must be able to attract the reader’s attention in the first 3-5 seconds which will determine whether the offer is read or not.

When the headline does not attract attention, then no matter how good the offer offered will definitely not be read.

In general, headlines have 13 types. However, only two types are often found, namely the type of headline that scares and the type of headline that makes you curious.

Examples of the type of headline that scares, namely ” 5 investment mistakes that are often made by investors “. While an example of a curious type of copywriting could be something like this “turns out this is the secret to success at a young age”.

2. Body Copy

Body copy is the content of the offer that you will offer to potential customers.

In this section, there are introductory sentences, product descriptions or offer content, product benefits, and so on that can make readers respond to your writing.

In addition, a good body copy must be packaged in a coherent, continuous, and direct to the point.

To be able to attract the interest of readers, it is important to insert solutions in the form of benefits from the products you offer. The goal, to answer the problems that are being faced by potential consumers.

3. Closing

The last basic copywriting structure is closing.

As the name implies, closing is a closing sentence that ends a prospective customer’s transaction.

In this section, it can be written in the form of testimonials, social proof, buy buttons, or CTA ( call to action ) buttons.

Copywriting Learning Tips

Finally, now everyone can copywriting by learning a few tips that you can try because this will greatly determine the quality of the copy you produce later.

Just look at the tips, come on!

1. Know Your Audience

The main goal of copywriting is to convert visits into sales. For that, you must know your audience or readers.

Starting from age, gender, income, and some data that fits the target market . This can be your benchmark in making copywriting starting from language style, type of offer, and so on.

2. Use the Right Tone

Second, use an optimistic tone in selling a product or service when you want to promote something with copywriting .

As in the first point, use a writing tone that matches the target market. If your target market is young people, then the greeting “you” will be more suitable than “you”.

Not to forget, sentence speech must also be considered when writing copywriting.

3. Solve Consumer Problems

Every product and service that offers a solution for consumers will surely be ogled by consumers.

For example, many people want to enjoy the food sold in certain stores without having to leave the house. Well, this problem or pain point can be your focal point in writing copywriting about food delivery services .

4. Observe, Imitate and Modify

This tip is suitable for novice copywriters who are still having trouble producing good-looking copy . For that, you can use this one technique, namely observe, imitate, and modify .

However, it should also be noted that this concept does not mean simply copy-pasting other people’s content, yes. However, try to read the copy that other people wrote, study the structure to the word choice, then rewrite it, and modify it according to your version.

5. Copy Tests That Have Been Made

To assess the copy you have created, do a test. This test is also known as A/B testing.

This test requires that two copy texts are promoted simultaneously to find out which copy produces the highest conversions.

But since you’re still in the learning phase , you don’t need to run a paid campaign to test the copy you’ve produced. Simply asking for opinions from your co-workers or colleagues is okay too, really .

Well, now it’s your turn to try to apply the basic structure and tips above, yes!

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