Get ready for the NECO BECE 2023 registration with our comprehensive guide.
We’ll take you through the entire process, ensuring you meet all requirements and procedures.
From obtaining the registration form to online and offline registration, we’ve got you covered.
Start your journey now!

Are you looking to take the NECO Basic Education Certification Examination (BECE) but find the registration process daunting? We’ve got you covered.
This all-inclusive guide will walk you through the entire process of obtaining the 2023 NECO BECE registration form, all while ensuring that you adhere to all procedures and requirements.
Let’s dive in, shall we?
An Overview: NECO and the BECE
The National Examination Council (NECO) has made a welcoming announcement: the 2023 Basic Education Certification Examination (BECE) registration forms for Senior Secondary School are ready for purchase.
Read on to grasp the registration guidelines.
Guidelines for 2023 BECE Registration
Who Can Register?
The NECO BECE is designed for final year Junior Secondary School (JSS3) students.
School heads must ensure their students meet this criterion.
How to Register?
NECO has made provisions for both online and offline registration.
Step 1: Claim Your School’s Online Portal
This is the initial stage before commencing offline/online registration. Schools can claim their online portal using their official email address and phone number. Schools lacking official email addresses should promptly create one. Once the required details are submitted accurately, a default password for login purposes is sent to the official email address.
Step 2: Offline Registration
Here, schools should download the 2023 BECE offline application from the Council’s website: This application is used to enter all candidates’ biodata, which should be registered offline before online uploading.
Note: Registration is considered complete when offline entries are uploaded online to obtain a registration number, and this can only be done after registration fees are paid.
Accommodating Visually Impaired Candidates
Students with visual impairment are registered like their sighted counterparts.
However, their disability category (low vision or complete blindness) must be correctly indicated when entering their biodata.
Offline Validation
Offline validation is performed after successful offline registration. During this process, candidates must review and correct their name, picture, date of birth, sex, subjects, etc., before online upload.
Procedure for Offline Validation
Schools should print offline photocards for all candidates, and the candidates should verify all information.
If errors are found, candidates should correct them on the photocards and sign in the appropriate column.
All signed photocards should then be returned to the registration official for corrections in the offline application.
Remember: All corrections must be made offline.
Activation for Payment
Before payment and upload, all schools must be activated by the NECO State Coordinator of each state and FCT.
Payment/Upload Procedure
Payments must be made strictly through the school’s online NECO portal. After successful payment, schools can select individual candidates to upload.
Note: The initial payment for installment payments should cover at least 20 candidates to avoid extra charges.
Examination Fees
The registration fee for the 2023 BECE is N8,700.00 per candidate.
Additional costs are applicable for unviable centers, late registration, and BECE re-sits.
Minimum Number of Candidates
Each school must register a minimum of 20 candidates. Schools with fewer candidates are deemed unviable and must pay an unviable center fee of N12,500.00 to conduct the examination.
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