Big change for UK visas! How much your partner earns could matter

The UK government is making some big adjustments. We’ll explain them in simple terms in this article, like higher salary requirements and rules for families. Stay informed for your plans!

Big Changes Coming for UK Visas: What You Need to Know

The UK government is making some big changes to its visa rules, and it’s important to stay informed if you’re thinking about coming to live or work there.

Here’s a quick rundown of what’s new:

More Money Needed: The minimum salary required for a work visa is going way up, from £25,600 to a whopping £38,700! This is a big jump, and it could make it harder for many people to qualify.

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No More Family for Students: Overseas students will no longer be able to bring their families with them unless they’re on a special research program.

Caregiver Changes: If you’re a caregiver coming to the UK, there are new restrictions on who you can bring with you.

Bricklayers Get a Break: There is some good news though! Bricklayers have been added to the “shortage occupation” list, which means they’ll have an easier time getting a visa.

Rwanda Deal Raises Concerns: The government’s plan to send some asylum seekers to Rwanda is still being debated, and many people are worried about it.

Overall, these changes show that the UK is making it tougher than ever to immigrate.

If you’re planning to move there, it’s important to talk to a qualified immigration advisor to get the latest information and make sure you meet all the requirements.

UK Immigration: What You Need to Know in Plain English

Big numbers! Over 672,000 more people came to the UK than left in the past year. That’s got politicians worried, especially those in Sunak’s party (the Tories).

So, what’s the plan? Cleverly, the Home Secretary, has some new ideas:

  • Tougher rules for bringing in family members. Caregivers and spouses will need higher incomes to do so.
  • More money for immigrants: The health surcharge is going up! Expect to pay an extra 66% (ouch!).
  • Graduate visas on review: The government wants to make sure people who study in the UK actually leave when they’re done.
  • Stopping the boats: This is a big one for Sunak. He wants to stop people crossing the English Channel in small boats to get to the UK.

Why all the fuss? The Tories promised to control immigration after Brexit, but the numbers keep climbing.

Some in the party are unhappy, especially those who won their seats by promising voters stricter rules.

What does it mean for you? If you’re thinking about coming to the UK, things might be getting trickier.

It’s always a good idea to check the latest rules before you make any plans.

Remember: This is just a quick overview. There’s lots of debate and details to unpack. Stay tuned for more updates!

Who qualifies as a Dependent for UK Immigration?

In short, you’re considered a dependent if you’re:

  • The spouse or civil partner of the main applicant: This includes same-sex partners.
  • An unmarried partner who’s lived with the main applicant for at least 2 years: Proof of cohabitation is needed, like joint bills or rental agreements.
  • An underage child (under 18) of the main applicant: This includes adopted and stepchildren.

Good to know:

  • You’ll need documents to prove your relationship to the main applicant, like marriage certificates or cohabitation agreements.
  • You can apply for immigration through several routes besides the main applicant, including Skilled Worker, Global Talent, and UK Ancestry visas.
  • Each route has its own requirements, so make sure you check them carefully.

Students and Dependent Visas!

Attention, students and families: There are some important changes coming to UK immigration in January 2024, and you need to know about them!

For Students:

Bringing dependents gets tougher: Currently, postgraduate students on student visas can bring family members to the UK. 

But starting in January, only postgraduate research students will have this option. This means students in other postgraduate programs (like taught masters) will no longer be able to bring dependents.

For Families:

Adult Dependent Relative Visa (ADR) might be an option: If you have a close relative in the UK who is over 18 and needs long-term personal care due to illness, disability, or age, they might be eligible for an ADR visa. This allows them to come to the UK and be cared for by you.

Important things to remember about ADR visas:

  • Requirements are high: Applicants need to prove they need daily personal care and that this care isn’t available or affordable in their home country.
  • Sponsor must meet financial requirements: Your UK relative must have enough income to support you without relying on public funds.

What to do next:

  • For students: If you’re a postgraduate student planning to bring dependents, consider applying before January 2024, or explore other study options outside the UK.
  • For families: If you think an ADR visa might be a good option, research the requirements and talk to an immigration advisor for guidance.

Stay informed: Immigration rules can change quickly, so keep yourself updated with the latest information on the official UK government website.

I hope this helps! Please let me know if you have any questions.

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